Welcome to a seminar focusing on Performing arts as intangible heritage with presentations by Hanna Korsberg & Susanna Välimäki, visiting researchers from the University of Helsinki, and Astrid von ...
Vid Centre for Cellular Imaging (CCI) arbetar mikroskopiexperter nu sida vid sida med datavetare för att påskynda implementeringen av Smart Mikroskopi och därmed förbättra stödet till forskare. Även ...
En kurs på minst 5 hp vardera inom programmering, matematisk analys, linjär algebra och matematisk statistik (eller kursen DIT863). En kurs i maskininlärning på minst 7,5 hp, tex DIT968, DIT382 eller ...
The intersection point between image acquisition automation, image analysis, and machine learning is evolving into an increasingly important research field and a huge potential for Smart Microscopy.
During the spring of 2025, NanoSIMS at the University of Gothenburg and Chalmers University of Technology will host several speakers in the "MS Imaging Seminar Series". The speaker at this webinar is ...
Vill du fördjupa dina kunskaper om språk och matematik i förskolan? Sök den här utbildningen och få fler verktyg för att utveckla din undervisning. Utbildningen består av tre delkurser med fokus på ...
The invasive Pacific oyster have adapted to life in less salty seas and are reproducing off the coast of Skåne, although having been there for less than ten years. This discovery by researchers from ...
Dental implants used to replace single teeth continue to function well after several decades, according to a study from the University of Gothenburg. After nearly forty years, all examined implants ...
Moritz A. Drupp är professor i hållbarhetsekonomi vid Universität Hamburg och Malmsten Early Career Scholar vid Institutionen för nationalekonomi med statistik. Han ser den största utmaningen idag som ...
Exchange students at the Faculty of Humanities and exchange students on a university-wide agreement. Please contact your international coordinator at the University of Gothenburg if you need to know ...
Guest Talk by internationally practicing curator, researcher and writer Alia Swastika on the curatorial process of the Sharjah Biennale 2025: To Carry. Internationally practicing ...
Welcome to our workshop at Humanisten, which is part of the Nordic Summer University program. The theme for the day is Expertise and politics in climate change knowledge. No advance registration is ...