100 years announcing the Gospel of Christ on the banks of the Purus and its tributaries: “Put out into the deep” (Lk 5:1-11). The school In Imum Cordis of the Order of Augustinian Recollects offers ...
Sor Amparo Costilla Jiménez ha sido elegida presidenta de la Federación de Agustinas Recoletas de España durante la Asamblea celebrada en el convento de Marcilla (España). Su elección supone un nuevo ...
Sister Amparo Costilla Jimenez has been elected president of the Federation of Augustinian Recollect Nuns of Spain during the Assembly held in the convent of Marcilla (Spain). Her election represents ...
“La apremiante exigencia de igualdad para las mujeres no llega desde fuera, desde una modernidad secularizada, sino de parte de la revolución de los orígenes cristianos, ahogada por la sociedad ...
“The pressing demand for equality for women does not come from outside, from a secularized modernity, but from part of the revolution of Christian origins, stifled by patriarchal society.” (Lucetta ...
Lent has begun, marking a period that evokes the forty days of biblical tradition. This number has a symbolic value, since it alludes to an extended duration, capable of testing human endurance by its ...
La Cuaresma ha comenzado, marcando un período que evoca los cuarenta días de la tradición bíblica. Este número tiene un valor simbólico, ya que alude a una duración extensa, capaz de poner a prueba la ...
After five years, Inquietar has consolidated its position in the different digital communication platforms as a reference in vocational animation. It has a clear graphic line and a communication style ...
Last February 27, 2025, the Pontifical Patristic Institute Augustinianum in Rome was the scene of the doctoral thesis defense ...