She is the first department head fired by County Executive Satpal Sidhu since he took the helm in 2019. Former Public Works director Jon Hutchings signed a separation agreement with the county after ...
Under Whatcom County code, Dr. Amy Harley, the county health officer, becomes interim director of the Department of Health ...
Whatcom County health department director Erika Lautenbach was abruptly placed on leave Wednesday afternoon, March 5, and her ...
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But Erika Cheung is not like most people, in more ways than one. She risked her livelihood, right to privacy and professional relationships by speaking out about scientific fraud. Cheung’s ...
Jeder Verfasser einer Meldung (Firma, Verein, Person...) hat zusätzlich noch SEINE eigene "Extrazeitung" bei REGIOTRENDS! Oben auf den roten Namen hinter „Weitere Beiträge von“ klicken ...
Rastatt (ots) - Am Montagmittag kam es in der Rauentaler Straße zu einer folgenschweren Kollision zweier Pkw. Gegen 11:30 Uhr befuhr ein 64-jähriger VW-Fahrer die Rauentaler Straße, als es an ...
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Die CDU hat bei der Bundestagswahl 2025 in Lautenbach die meisten Stimmen geholt. Das ergibt das vorläufige amtliche Endergebnis. In diesem Beitrag berichten wir die Stimmenanteile für die ...
Erika Christensen is a regular fixture on our TV screens thanks to her role as Angie Polaski in ABC's hit police drama, Will Trent, which follows the titular Special Agent and his work at the ...
Rachel Showalter The Bellingham Herald Whatcom County Health and Community Services Director Erika Lautenbach previously told The Herald that the lack of a day shelter in the community this year ...
Neighbors of Whatcom County’s severe weather shelter held a public meeting Thursday evening to air concerns about the shelter’s impact on surrounding businesses and residences. More than 30 ...