In the late 1970s, Bruce Springsteen wrote a song with Elvis Presley in mind. Sadly, the King of Rock 'n' Roll died before he got the demo.
Bruce Springsteen once said he believed a hidden track on his 2010 compilation album always belonged in a "perverse" David Lynch scene.
One scrutinizer of Bruce Springsteen was Keith Richards. Though they may have made up, Richards once called Springsteen's music pretentious.
The hit Sea Hear Now music, art and surfing festival debuted on the city's North Beach and Bradley Park in 2018.
Normally when someone is booked for a lecture, it’s pretty easy to guess what the topic will be. They’re famous for one thing, ...
Troubadour rocker Ike Reilly is no fan of President Donald Trump, and it's personal. Reilly, subject of the new music documentary “Don’t Turn Your Back On Friday Night,” was stiffed by Trump when he ...
NEW HAVEN, Conn. (WFSB) - A legendary CT music venue is celebrating 50 years. From Bob Dylan, Billy Joel and Bruce ...