“The Daily Show” correspondent Desi Lydic weighed in on the seemingly friendly interaction between President-elect Trump and former President Obama at the funeral service for former President ...
Recurring DailyShow host Desi Lydic unpacked the whole situation in her Thursday monologue, remarking, “It seemed pretty uncomfortable that they all had to sit next to Donald Trump. Just think ...
“The Daily Show” host Desi Lydic has a quick clarifying question for Donald Trump, and it all has to do with his latest nickname for California Gov. Gavin Newsom. “Do you mean New-scum or ...
Show host Desi Lydic mocked former President Obama and President-elect Trump's seemingly friendly interactions at former President Carter's funeral service.
When Ronny Chieng was writing the material for his new Netflix special “Love to Hate It” back in 2023, he included a few now prescient jokes about the MAGA movement. But back then, the idea ...