“There is a difference between a predator and a wolf. A predator may come from anywhere. But the Bible gives a special warning about wolves—namely, church leaders who look the part but are dangerous.
“…it is likely that the most important part of Friday’s events has relatively little to do with the ending of that tragic war. The greatest significance of Friday’s events, it seems to me, is that it ...
“We can be known for ‘prophetic’ political commentary or we can be known for textually careful, biblically rich, theologically deep, church-focused gospel ministry.” - Kevin DeYoung ...
The only way a pastor can opt out of social security is to claim paying into SS is a violation of one's conscience and religious beliefs. The guys I know who opted out weren't conscientious objectors; ...
“Overall, The Wizard of the Kremlin is an excellent read, and I look forward to the movie. The only real criticism I have is that, despite all the many incredible political crimes it reveals, Giuliano ...
“How can we preach when we ourselves are broken? Is it even possible? Why would God allow our service to be made more difficult by soul-wrenching trials?” - 9 Marks ...
Read Part 1 and Part 2. The second front in our three-front war, according to the common saying, is “the flesh.” The Bible ...
“Eleven months after the resignation of World Evangelical Alliance Secretary General Thomas Schirrmacher for health reasons, the global evangelical body announced that the search for its next leader ...
“Texas pastor Juan Sanchez is urging Southern Baptists to re-visit an amendment at the Annual Meeting this June that addresses the definition of pastor/elder/overseer in the SBC Constitution.” - ...
“In recent years, several notable Protestant converts to Roman Catholicism have made waves online…. What drives these Christian thinkers to make this jump? Several theories could be explored, but one ...
“ ‘As an American, it was sad for me to see President Trump not supporting a country that has freedom and democracy,’ he said. ‘It helps to remember my most important citizenship is in heaven, and I ...
“I interpret ‘every race and nation and language’ literally. God has chosen people in even predominantly pagan nations and reached them by sending men and women or angels, dreams, and visions. What ...