We may do something special every once in a while for the members, but don't feel obligated. For the first month of the ...
Chamber discovered deep within Great Pyramid of Giza could be missing piece of the puzzle How To Fall Asleep Quickly & Sleep ...
Two mighty beams of energy have been detected shooting in opposite directions from a supermassive black hole inside a distant ...
By using protons to probe how a magnetic field responds to an expanding plasma, experimenters have replicated the particle ...
The largest known black hole jets, 23 million light years across, have been discovered in the distant universe. This pair of ...
"The Milky Way would be a little dot in these two giant eruptions." ...
Distorted by the plasma's own electromagnetic interactions with the external magnetic field, the beams of protons served as a ...
"If we shrink the jets to the size of the Earth and the black hole accordingly, the black hole would have the size of 0.2 ...
In a groundbreaking study using the world’s leading supercomputers, researchers have significantly enhanced our understanding ...
He really only needed one magnet, so he started to build a 20 x 20 x 100 mm one. It would be made out of alternating mild steel and brass plates. The steel plates would have a hole drilled through ...
Black holes are also messy eaters, which often betrays their locations. As they sip on surrounding stars, their massive gravitational and magnetic forces superheat the infalling gas and dust ...
usually by allowing one to combine through-hole and surface-mount devices on the same board, but you can see [Tom] demonstrate using magnet wire on plain old perfboard in the video below.