This month and next I’d like to share with you what the Bible says about the Christian living not only in the kingdom of ...
Pope Francis has ruffled the feathers of some religious leaders in the United States by saying that all religions provide a ...
If Scott Baio could tell Christians anything in 2024, it would be to vote. The veteran actor and one of the stars of the new ...
A deselected Christian candidate who is suing the Lib Dems has been told by the party that he must prove the truth of his ...
Online gambling isn’t necessarily sinful, but it’s certainly not a careful use of the wealth God has given us.
A new film in the "God's Not Dead" film franchise encourages Christians not to be afraid to stand up for their beliefs and to ...
“We write in a moment of fierce urgency, as the people of God animated by faith, hope, and love,” said the statement, which ...
An excerpt from “The Road to Wisdom,” by Francis S. Collins, on discovering the hand of God in the science of his creation.
Country and Christian artist Anne Wilson hopes that her newest song “Stand” will inspire unity in a very divided country.
Borrowing from George Orwell , who describes nationalism as “power hunger tempered by self-deception,” Christian nationalism ...
The Church inside prison is a vibrant expression of His Body that’s just as vital as the churches in our own communities.
Over 32 million people in sub-Saharan Africa, half of whom are Christians, have been forced to leave their homes and live in ...